In order to place the order, you need to register an account with us.
The step for open an account:
1. Go to My Account and select "Apply new wholesales account";
2. After you finish the entry with Valid Email address, you will get an email from us about the new account application;
3. We will contact you via email in less than 24 hrs via email to confirm your company status (shop, wholesalers). Further information may need to supply for classified the trade terms.
4. After account validation, you will receive an email to indicate your account is active;
5. Then you can use your account to sign in. In case you have any problem in getting the account, please email or you can use the instant help from the website located at the right hand bottom.
Kinetic Model North America LLC address
5839 SW 21st Street Topeka, KS 66604 U.S.A.
Tel: 1-785-730-6004
** For product catalog or product list, you can download from our dealer resources page after successfully account opening.